Report to:                 

East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board


29th September 2022



Independent Chair, East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board


Title of report:

East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report 2021 - 2022


Purpose of report:

To present the SAB Annual Report as required in the Care Act


The East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to consider and comment on the report.

1              Background

1.1          The Care Act 2014 requires each Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) to:

·         Develop and publish a strategic plan setting out how they will meet their objectives and how their member and partner agencies will contribute.

·         Publish an annual report detailing how effective their work has been.

·         Commission safeguarding adults reviews (SARs) for any cases which meet the criteria for these.

1.2          The SAB Annual Report (Appendix 1) outlines safeguarding activity and performance in East Sussex between April 2021 and March 2022.


2              Supporting Information


2.1          The format of the report is structured against the SAB priorities as set out in the Strategic Plan 2021–24. The data section includes contributions from a number of partner agencies in addition to the core data from the local authority.

2.2          Deborah Stuart-Angus was appointed the new Independent Chair of the SAB following the resignation of Graham Bartlett in October 2021. Graham Bartlett had provided leadership, expertise and excellent support to the Board for six years. A number of staff changes have also taken place within the SAB business support area in 2021/22 including the addition of a safeguarding coordinator to support the increased safeguarding adult review (SAR) activity.

2.3          The coronavirus pandemic led to unprecedented challenges and put adult safeguarding in a position of greater importance than ever before. Over the past year the SAB has continued to seek assurance from our partner agencies about responses to COVID-19, and undertaken work to ensure services have been, and continue to be, supported to respond to emerging safeguarding themes.

2.4          Highlights in the report under the SAB five strategic themes are as follows:


Strategic Theme 1: Accountability and leadership



§  East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board

§  East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership

§  East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership Board

§  East Sussex Children and Young Peoples Trust


These partnerships are committed to ensuring that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and to working together at every level to keep people in East Sussex safe from harm and abuse, and to improve health and wellbeing.



Strategic Theme 2: Performance, Quality and Audit, and Organisational Learning





Strategic Theme 3: Policies and Procedures 




Strategic Theme 4: Prevention, Engagement and Making Safeguarding Personal




Strategic Theme 5: Integration, and Training and workforce development



§  Modern slavery and human trafficking.

§  Adopting a Whole Family Approach to Domestic Abuse and Promoting Safety

§  Mental Capacity Act 2005: A multi-agency approach to complex cases.

§  Self-neglect.

§  Coercion and control.



3              Conclusions and recommendations

3.1          The key priority areas identified for the SAB in 2021 – 22 continue to be priority areas of development and require further embedding within safeguarding practice for 2022/23. Recommendations from recent reviews which concluded early in 2022: SAR Ben, SAR Anna and the Thematic SAR identified the same priority areas for further learning and assurance activity. These are:

·         Embedding the Mental Capacity Act in practice

·         Safeguarding transitions for young people at risk

·         Supporting adults who face multiple disadvantage

3.2          The SAB will progress work in relation to the newly commissioned SARs in 2022/23 and seek assurance to ensure that the learning and recommendations from previous SARs continue to be embedded in practice. The People Scrutiny Committee is recommended to consider and comment on the report.


Deborah Stuart Angus

Independent Chair

East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board



Contact Officer:  Lucy Spencer– Interim SAB Development Manager


Tel: 07753 416684


Appendix 1: East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2021/22